Using the prime focus method of astrophotography I captured this image of The Great Orion Nebula (M42) Using the following equipment: Meade LX200 EMC 8" Classic in Alt-Az mode (2 star alignment). The camera settings were ISO 1600 and the exposure was set to 30 seconds on a Canon Eos 400D attached to a Kood T-ring and SCT visual back adapter.
Using the prime focus method of astrophotography I captured this image of The Great Orion Nebula (M42) Using the following equipment: Meade LX200 EMC 8" Classic in Alt-Az mode (2 star alignment). The camera settings were ISO 1600 and the exposure was set to 30 seconds on a Canon Eos 400D attached to a Kood T-ring and SCT visual back adapter.